Inspiration for the spatial computing revolution


Gaze-based interactions

Explore a host of interactions mixing eye tracking with hand tracking to determine intent

AR mind map

Make use of a 3D spatial environment to visualise and organise notes generated by an AI chat bot

Charisma as a Service

Take advantage of an AI assistant in conversation through text prompts that appear on smart glasses

Climate data in AR

Exploring climate change data through an immersive 3D tool brings a new perspective to it

Gym workout

A workout experience where the user is encouraged to pick from different exercises and follow along with a virtual instructor

AR dashboard

A concept that examines how graphs and other user interfaces might be represented and interacted with through AR

Gesture-based OS concept

A quick and crude look at what an eye-tracking + hand-tracking, gesture based OS could look like — Andrew Fox (@afox1984) January 25, 2023

Memory aid

Ukaton built a system for taking photos of objects, cataloguing them and being able to locate them in AR again.

Tracing in AR

From a photo, Fabio Dela Antonio built a small web-based experience that allows tracing an image digitally using through augmented reality.

XR Clippy

Clippy the helpful(ish) paperclip assistant gets an immersive upgrade.